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Terms And Conditions


1. Legal EntityOnline Courses Store" is a brand of Success Coach Asia LLP, 160 Robinson Road, #10-09, SBF Center, Singapore 068914, ACRA business registration no. T13LL1186A. All agreements for their own courses, if any, are deemed to be made with said legal entity. All agreements you might make, if any, with another external course provider are deemed to be made with the legal entity of that provider and Success Coach Asia LLP cannot accept any responsibility at all whatsoever for those. 

2. Cooling Off Period
Any agreement between you and the provider shall be voided if you advise in writing, within seven (7) days of signing, that you no longer wish to receive the provider’s course by delivering or sending (including electronic mail) a cancellation notice to the provider’s company address or email address at “[email protected]”. The provider shall refund to you all monies or part thereof you have paid to the provider under the agreement, less applicable banking or credit card processing charges. If a refund is due to you, the provider will process it within thirty (30) business days.

3. Limitation Of Liability The provider excludes all terms, conditions and warranties implied by custom, the general law or statute, or which cause any part of the agreement to be void (non-excludable condition); The provider limits the liability to you for breach of any non-excludable condition to the total amount actually paid by you under the agreement; The provider limits the liability to you for any claim for loss or damages suffered by you in relation to the providing the opportunity to purchase the provider’s program, products or services to the total amount actually paid by you under the agreement; The provider excludes the liability for consequent damage (including, but not limited to lost revenue or lost profit) suffered by you in any way relating to the provision of the opportunity for you to purchase the provider’s program or services of your exercise of rights under the agreement or any properties that you have incurred losses upon.

4. Data Protection And Usage By submitting personal information to us, you consent to this information being securely stored by us and that we may contact you in accordance with the Personal Data And Protection Act. For the full wording of our Privacy Policy please refer to https://onlinecourses-store.com/privacy-policy/. 

5. General All notices or other communications must be made in writing (including electronic mail) to the addresses specified in this agreement. The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any power or right of a party does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it; or the exercise of any power or right. A power or right may only be waived in writing, signed by the party to be bound by the waiver. Any provision in this agreement which is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is to be read down for the purposes of that jurisdiction, if possible, so as to be valid and enforceable, and is otherwise capable of being severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability, without affecting the validity or enforceability of that provision in any jurisdiction. The agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the provider and you concerning this transaction and replaces all previous communicated arrangements, representations, understandings, and agreements, whether verbal or written between the parties to the agreement or their representatives. No representations or statements of any kind made by either party that are not expressly stated in this agreement shall be binding on such parties. The agreement shall be construed and interpreted by the laws of The Republic Of Singapore. In case of a dispute you agree to first go through the Court Of Arbitration, failing which you furthermore also agree to submit the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of The Republic Of Singapore.

6. Intellectual Property And Media Release
You acknowledge that all content, workbooks, videos, materials and systems used or taught at the provider’s programs and/or included in the provider’s products, whether written, video-taped or verbal are proprietary to the provider and are subject of international copyright that you shall not copy, give, lend, re-sell, provide, make available or divulge to any other person any of the materials, notes, systems or teachings of the provider’s program, whether for financial gain or otherwise and shall not photograph or photocopy or may make any audio or video recording of the provider’s program or any materials provided except with the provider’s express prior written consent.

7. Indemnification
You agree to accept full responsibility for your purchase, participation and the outcome of any decisions made after attending any of the provider’s programs or use of the provider’s services. The provider and its affiliated entities, associates, and any of its representatives accept neither responsibility nor liability nor will it indemnify you for any costs, expenses, losses, damages or liabilities, which may be incurred or suffered by you as a result of these decisions. You agree that the purchase decisions are not influenced by any relationship or dealings with the provider or any of its affiliates or representatives. Should you enter into a contractual relationship with the provider and/or any other third party subsequent to the program, you do so at your own risk, and acknowledge that the provider has neither responsibility for, nor liability with regards to, any contracts or relationship entered into between yourself and any other third party.

8. Guarantee And Income Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent all courses and their potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the knowledge and techniques you have been and will be taught. Examples or case studies used during the program are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your earning potential is entirely dependent on your application and usage of knowledge, skills and techniques resulting in your actions. Your level of success in attaining results depends on the time you devote to the program, your finances, risk appetite and actions you take as well as external factors. The provider will not accept any responsibility, liability or claims for your actions at all whatsoever under any circumstances. The provider reserves the right to alter Terms And Conditions at any time without prior notice, the latest published version taking immediate effect. Last updated on 22 May 2022.